“So tell me, why are you leaving your current role?” 😨 Here’s how to respond to this interview question, which can be challenging.
April 19, 2024
  1. Be Honest and Professional: Honesty is important, but keep your response professional and avoid speaking negatively about your current employer or colleagues.
  2. Focus on the Positive: Instead of dwelling on what you’re leaving behind, emphasize what you’re seeking in your next opportunity. Highlight the aspects of the new role or company that attract you.
  3. Highlight Growth Opportunities: Discuss how the new role aligns with your career goals and offers opportunities for growth and development that may be lacking in your current position.
  4. Cite Career Advancement: If applicable, mention your desire for career advancement or a change in responsibilities that the new role offers. Frame your decision as a strategic career move.
  5. Cultural Fit: Talk about how the company culture and values resonate with you, and how you believe you’ll thrive in the new environment.
  6. Express Gratitude: Acknowledge the positive experiences and opportunities you’ve had in your current role, expressing gratitude for the experience while indicating your readiness for a new challenge.
Sample Response: “Thank you for asking. I’ve truly appreciated my time at [Current Company], and I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to learn and grow. However, as I’ve reflected on my career goals, I’ve realized that I’m seeking new challenges and opportunities for development that align more closely with my long-term aspirations. When I learned about the [position you’re interviewing for] at [Company Name], I was excited about the chance to [highlight specific aspects of the role or company that interest you]. I’m particularly drawn to the [mention any unique opportunities or projects] and the potential for [mention any growth or advancement opportunities]. I believe my skills and experience align well with the needs of the role, and I’m eager to bring my expertise to [Company Name].”